Port of Subic Bay

公開日 2015年03月04日

Port of Subic Bay


After return from the American navy, for the purpose of being as a tractor of the Philippine economy, an old base area is developed as free trade zone. A glaring peculiar attraction of the port is its immediate availability in addition to its attractive feature of having a natural deep and sheltered harbor without need of a breakwater to serve vessels. Its development will enable the Philippines to become a major player in the fast growing international container market, while facilitating hinterland and local transshipments to promote local trade thus-contributing significantly to the country's overall economic growth. Including the port where a large aircraft carrier can come alongside, establishment such as an airport for the large machine, container yard, warehouses, petroleum tanks, residences and hospitals are ready, and re-development is going on around the function as a port in the total area of about 60,000ha. More than 200 companies, mainly Taiwanese enterprises, has already invested and/or decided to invest.



Wharf/berth:1 wharves
            Berth length: 560m, Depth:‐13.7m
Total length of wharf:4,381.1m
Yard:site area: 41ha
      (Container Yard: 11.14ha)
Warehouse:4 sheds
10 old military warehouses
Reefer stations:84units at 440 volts
Crago handing equipment: 1 Hitachi Gantry Crane
(this is an interim crane while waiting
for the constraction of the new container
port terminal in Cubi Point-with 4 Gantry Cranes)

Port Activities

Annual cargo handled:2.21 million tons(2012)
Annual container handled:36,304 TEU(2012)
Main cargo:Conventional b-bulk
(grains,live cattles,fertilizers,
lumber,used/new vehicle)


Name of Port Authority:Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority(SBMA)
Operations:362 days a year
21 hours a day

Port of Subic


port of subic


port of subic



高知県 土木部 港湾振興課

所在地: 〒780-8570 高知県高知市丸ノ内1丁目2番20号
電話: 総務担当 088-823-9882
ポートセールス第一担当(貨物・高知新港振興プラン) 088-823-9888
ポートセールス第二担当(客船対応・企業誘致) 088-823-9890
ファックス: 088-823-9657
メール: 175201@ken.pref.kochi.lg.jp