公開日 2013年03月27日
更新日 2014年03月16日
13 October,2003
Fifth Symposium(Presentation of Tanjung Perak: Tanjung Perak Indonesia Port Corporation III)
In 1999 the Indonesian government issued two new laws on regional autonomy namely UU No.22, 1999 and UU No.25, 1999. These new laws will obviously give an opportunity to the local government to be involved further in managing their natural resources as well as sea natural resources and all of financial matters. Again, ports as a part of the national sea transportation systems are expected to play a significant role in generating contribution to the region where the ports operate.
The existence of the ports has given a positive impact indirectly to the economic growth and trade. Acceleration of cargo distribution, for instance, has a great influence toward the industries in hinterland areas.
In the future, it is further expected that this decision would have a win-win synergy to the each entity whether local government, Port of Tanjung Perak or the people in hinterland areas as stockholders, especially to strengthen the East Java’s economic growth and trade.
In functioning as a port service provider, Port of Tanjung Perak will always look inside and to introspection in order to attain the company’s vision that focuses on how to manage the port, which is able to be a World Class Port that can place itself into the international network.
Facing the vision, Port of Tanjung Perak bring the mission to:
→Provide and give the high and competitive quality port services for the sake of public interest;
→Faster the company’s profit through professional management and implementation of science and technology;
→Earn the corporate revenue and give contribution to the state economic development directly and indirectly.
Nowadays, the Port of Tanjung Perak accommodates a various shipping lines ranging from local shipping lines or inter island to international shipping lines. The port also handles a variety of cargoes such as general cargo, bulk and liquid cargo and container as well.
Vessel and cargo service in Tanjung Perak Port is handled by:
→Branch of Tanjung Perak Port (handling a conventional port);
→PT.Berlian Jasa Terminal Indonesia (handling in discharging/loading inter island container and bulk and liquid cargo);
→PT. Terminal Petikemas Surabaya ( handling an international and inter island container service port);
Those are supported by medical care center, which is handled by the Port hospital.
The Port of Tanjung Perak always makes great efforts to provide a satisfactory service for the consumers. Nevertheless, we could not ignore that many problems will always inhibit those efforts. The problems emerge because of different interests among three entities who are involved in the port existence.
Consumers(including discharging/loading companies) desire to get fast, safe and secure and convenient service as well but affordable tariff.
2. Government( central and local ones).
Central government as a 100% stockholder of port share requirements Port of Tanjung Perak could provide efficient and safe service to the consumers with a reasonable tariff.
3. Port of Tanjung Perak as a port service provider.
Port of Tanjung Perak as a profit-oriented state owned enterprise is demanded to provide a fast, safe and secure, and convenient service as well with competitive and profitable tariff, because the faster consumers can be handled the more rapidly port handling will become. It will increase the reliance and quantity of the consumers in the future. In point of fact, the lack of facilities in port of Tanjunk Perak will give some impacts toward the service speed in which consumers desire.
Among the problems , a new one emerges in port of Tanjung Perak path. Cargo and container flow appear significantly increasing in Tanjung Perak port every year. Instead, the port has not been sufficient to develop to be a world-class port (see the tables of container, passenger, and cargo flow and ship call in Appendix). It the conditions could not be handled precisely and correctly soon, it will affect the port performance.
To solve the problems, the Port of Tanjung Perak always makes some improvements and developments in facilities and performance such as:
1. The Navigational Channel
The west channel is the main gateway to port of Tanjung Perak , which is 25 sea miles length, 100 meters width and 9.7 to 12 meters depth, and there are 18 buoys providing it.
2. Pilot Service
To assure a safety of the vessels at the Port of Tanjung Perak region, it is prepared the amount of pilots to serve for 24 hours at Karang Jamuang station and pilot station in Tanjung Perak Port. They could be contacted through a VHF radio on the channel of 12-14-16. To support this service, some vessels in the following facilitate them:
A1. TUG BOATKT.Anoman I 2×870
2. KT.Maju Indah 2×1600
3. KT. Bima IV 2×1200
4. KT. Selat Bali 2×650
5. KT. Subali II 2×650
6. KT. Patra Tunda 2×1500
7. TB. Persada Jaya 2×1160
8. TB. Radiya Jaya 2×920
9. TB. Sea Puma 2×800
10. TB. Synergy Jaya 2×1346
11. TB. Joyoboyo (建造中) 2×1300
B1.2. SMALL BOATMK Wanara IIIMK. Wanara V 1×1501×150
C. PILOT BOATMPS-II-044MPS-II-045MPS-II-046PIII-03TOURIST BOATArtama III 2×4902×4902×4902×3202×475
3. Bunker
Pertamina, the state owned oil enterprise, handles it. Pipelines are located at the following berths:
→Southern Jamrud: 5 locations
→Eastern Jamrud:3 locations
→Western Jamrud:4 locations
→Eastern Nilam:5 locations
Private companies handle the other bunker service with trucks and barges.
4. Water Supply
It serves the vessels, which is mooring through pipes along Jamrud, Berlian and Nilam wharves with the capacity of 100 tons per hour. PT. Terminal Petikemas Surabaya ( TPS)has the capacity of 30 tons per hour. While the vessels where are mooring at the other wharf, is handled by 4 barges with the capacity between 1,000 to 1,500 tons per hour. All water is supplied by the state owned water supply enterprise namely PDAM.
5. Medical Care
Port of Tanjung Perak completes a port hospital with 100 beds available for 24 hours. It is in Jl.Kalianget 2-4 Surabaya, phone (031) 3294801 . It has general and special clinic with quite modern medical equipments. Besides, it also has an emergency care with a special emergency room, ambulance and medical radio at frequency 718.
6.Fire Fighter Department
It functions to avoid any fire and minimize any risk at the port area. This department protects port assets or others that owned by the community in general and works for 24 hours. It could be contacted at (031) 3291760.
7. Docking , Repairing and Shipbuilding
It is also equipped at the port area for the need of docking, repairing or shipbuilding . These facilities would be back up in constructing of port operational and activities.
8. Container Discharging / Loading Service.
The inter island container discharging / loading is handled by PT. Berlian Jasa Terminal Indonesia . On the other hand, PT.Terminal Petikemas Surabaya, in cooperation with P&O Australia Port Ltd., is handling the international and inter island ones.
(By PT. Berlian Jasa Terminal Indonesia)
1. Shore Crane 35Ton 2unit
2. Shore Crane 75~100Ton 1unit
3. Forklift 2~2.5Ton 3unit
4. Forklift 5Ton 1unit
5. Forklift 7Ton 1unit 4unit
6. Shore Hopper − 4unit
7. Grebe 5~7Ton 8unit
8. Electronics Bagging Scale − 2unit
9. Barge Bridge − 2unit 1unit
10. Reach Stacker − 1unit
11. Top Loader 25Ton
12. Spreader 20”~40” − 2unit 7unit
13. Head Truck − 1unit 5unit
14. Chassis 40” − 4unit 2unit
15. Chassis 20” − 2unit
16. Rubber Tired Gantry 35Ton 4unit
(PT. Terminal Petikemas Surabaya)
1. Container Crane(CC) 40Ton 11
2. Transtainer 40Ton 2
3. Rubber Tired Gantry 35/40Ton 29
4. Reach Stacker 40Ton 2
5. Side Loader 7.5Ton 2
6. Sky Stacker 8Ton 2
7. Forklift Diesel 2/5Ton 7
8. Forklift Electric 2Ton 22
9. Head Truck(Ottawa) 40Ton 28
10. Head Truck Volvo ( Used) 40Ton 17
11. Head Truck Volvo(New) 40Ton 10
12. Chassis 45Ft 45Ft 15
13. Chassis 40Ft 40Ft 53
14. Dolly System − 10
15. Reefer Plug − 106
9. Service Speed.
The Port of Tanjung Perak has implemented One Stop Service in accordance with the Instruction of Communication Minister No:IM.6/ AL.3014 / Phb-96 dated April 10, 1996,as be seen in the following table.
Ship Service
4. Ship Berthing/Handling Operation5. Controlling & Monitoring
Cargo Service
To anticipate cargo and container flow jump in Tanjung Perak Port, PT. (PERSERO)Pelabuhan Indonesia III has a plan to develop the port to Lamong Bay. It refers to reclamation license in accordance with the Conclusion of Communication Minister No.4 ,1997, and it is planned to make Lamong Bay as an Industrial Entity. According to the license, Kalilimong program will execute reclamation about 1,700 hectares, which constitutes 500 hectares for Kalilamong Site and 1,200 hectares for Kalilamong Bay.
The concept of development port in Kalilamong was besed on economic development consideration, which is supporting local government program to encourage economic growth, particularly non-oil and gas export commodity.
Apart from that, as an effort to reduce production and transportation / distribution cost, this concept will underline the development of industrial relocation for export import goods, which is called bounded area.
The plan of port development has a strategic and until effect value toward economic growth and trade in hinterland area. Besides, it could create new opportunities of employment within the port area ranging from discharging / loading workers to factory ones.
By all these strategic considerations, it is expected that the development of Kalilamong self-sufficient port is able to face any challenges in the future as a provider of international port facilities(self generating port).
This concept concerns 2,000 meters berth constructing with 14 meters depth, which is possible for vessels activity of 10,000 DWT- 40,000 DWT, and 346 hectare reclamation. It constitures 1,250 meters length berth for general cargo, 500 meters length for passenger terminal, trestle in 20 meters width and 1,000 square meters, Access Bridge in 15 meters width and 1,200 square meters, and also 1,100 square meters and 550 meters for road.
By these technical data, it will be projected that the port of Lamong Bay will become a port of call for 2,000 TEUs container vessels.
The existence of the new port in the future is also strengthening all facilities in PT. Terminal Petikemas Surabaya in which projected to solve 1.8 million TEUs in 2005. If this target could be achieved in the next two years, the existing container terminal has to move to the new port in Lamong Bay.
The port development program is focused on how to optimize the West Nilam and North Nilam terminals as liquid and dry bulk terminals. It will be realized by moving the dockyards situated in Nilam terminal areas to the more acceptable ones in which they can develop their business.
Several facilities is going to be constructed in this Nilam area, as follows:
→The construction of berthing facilities;
→The construction of storage areas;
→Providing handling equipments including pipelines facilities connecting between berthing facilities and storage locations.
The Port of Tanjung Perak has a responsibility for encouragement of development of associated port industry and continues to upgrade and improve both port facilities and services to invite the exporter and importer meet demand.
The Port of Tanjung Perak as a member of International Network of Affiliated Ports (INAP) surely hopes much on the existence of INAP. We have already had five symposiums but we have not got the direct benefit of INAP especially for Tanjung Perak Port, INAP is expected to play an important role in improving the performance its affiliated ports and give optimum benefit to its members.
By discussing the opportunities each port has, there will be more chance to develop those opportunities in accordance with its conditions and specifications. To make this happen, all port needs to cooperate and help each other among members.
Another important factor to consider is to know what each member expects from this organization or each member distinctive capabilities to share to the others. In short, it is absolutely essential that INAP focus on the aspect of exchanging information on its affiliated ports distinctive capabilities, so the existence of INAP will be more meaningful.
There are many things the Port of Tanjung Perak expects from being a member of INAP that:
a. The Port of Tanjung Perak could send personnel to study and compare on matters related to bulk goods handling, human resource management and information technology applied and implemented at ports of INAP members.
b.We could invite shipping companies, exporter and importer in every INAP meeting in order to improve the performance of each port of INAP.
c. We could share information on what main commodity ports of INAP have.
所在地: | 〒780-8570 高知県高知市丸ノ内1丁目2番20号 |
電話: | 総務担当 088-823-9882 |
ポートセールス第一担当(貨物・高知新港振興プラン) 088-823-9888 | |
ポートセールス第二担当(客船対応・企業誘致) 088-823-9890 | |
ファックス: | 088-823-9657 |
メール: | 175201@ken.pref.kochi.lg.jp |