Eighth Symposium in 2006 (Presentation of Subic Bay)

公開日 2013年03月27日

更新日 2014年03月30日

14 November 2006

Eighth Symposium(Presentation of Subic Bay: SBMA)

SUBIC BAY, a brief History

●SUBIC BAY, Spanish Naval Station
□In the 1800’s,Spain discovered Subic Bay’s natural deep harbor and soon built a naval fortress.
□During the Spanish-American war in 1898, Rear Admiral Don Patricio Montojo sailed to Subic for a more defensible position than Cavite.

●SUBIC BAY, 94 YEARS U.S. Naval Base
□After the war, US Forces took control of the Spanish naval facility.
□In 1901, the US Navy selected Subic Bay as a repair and supply depot.
□In the 1st hours of the World War II Japanese bombers attacked US Air & Naval Station in the Philippines.
□After the WWII, control reverts to US Naval Force
□In 1951, the famous “Seabees” started construction of the Naval Base Station

●SUBIC BAY, 94 YEARS U.S. Naval Base
□The eruption of Mount Pinatubo in 1991 destroyed US naval facilities in Subic 20 miles away.
□September 16, 1991: The 1947 RP-US Military Bases Agreement ends

●The Vision
“The Subic-Clark corridor will be the most competitive international service and logistics center in the Southeast Asian Region”

The strategic location of the Subic-Clark corridor in the heart of the growing economies of Asia gives it a most distinct edge

●The Subic Port
The development of Subic Bay Freeport has now reached its crossroads.
Realizing its immense potentials, President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo placed the Subic Bay Freeport’s Port Development Project, as among the 10 priority programs of the Philippine government.
The Subic Bay Port Development Project, now in full swing and targeted for completion by next year, should assure the country’s premier Freeport of capturing a much bigger share of the world’s containerized cargo and port operations.

From January 1998 to June 1999, Japanese International Cooperation Agency JICA dispatched a study team to the Philippines for Master Planning and Feasibility Studies for the Subic Port Development.
In line with the Masterplan, the Feasibility Study for the short-term development plan to year 2007 was carried out to identify both economic & financial viability of the Project. Pacific Consultants, International ★ (PCI) assisted SBMA in preparing the program implementation.
In March 2000, Japan Bank for International Cooperation ★ (JBIC) dispatched an appraisal mission for project financing.
On 10 March 2000, SBMA & JBIC signed the Minutes of Discussions for the Subic Port Development Project through the Special Japanese Yen Credit.

Construction of the New Container Terminal
A new container terminal with two berths is now being constructed through the Subic Bay Port Development Project (SBPDP). The two new berths has a total capacity of 300,000 TEUs each, enough to accommodate all types of container vessels, even the Panamax and post-Panamax class vessels.
Its first berth will be fully operational by March of 2007 and the second berth by the last quarter of 2007.

●Rehabilitation of Existing Wharves
Marine Terminal
・Repair of damaged members of existing pier and bulkhead wharves
・Widening of pier on piled foundations
・Repair/Replacement of damaged pavement of existing quay fixtures(including fenders, mooring bitts and quayside water supplies and apron lighting)
・Rehabilitation of existing damaged pavement of apron and direct hinter area
・Repair of damaged members of the existing wharf
・Repair/ Replacement of existing quay fixtures
(including fenders, mooring bitts and quayside water supplies and apron lighting)
・Rehabilitation of existing damaged pavement of apron and direct hinter area.
・Repair of damaged members and pavement of the existing wharf
・Replacement of existing quay fixtures (fenders) and repair of existing lighting.

●The SBMA Mission
□Help make our investors globally competitive by providing incentives, services, and advantages in doing business in the Freeport, and maximizing their satisfaction by providing excellent customer services.
□Provide world-class infrastructure and support services.
□Provide access to effective and efficient human resources.
□Encourage private sector participation and competition through appropriate privatization, commercialization, and regulatory strategies.
□Transform the port and airport into world-class businesses.
□Ensure the five major functions (municipal, business, ports, regulatory, and shared services) of SBMA are managed efficiently with customer service as top priority.


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